
InnerCare is an online therapy app that matches users with therapists instantly and accurately just as matching with an Uber driver.

Role: Product Design, UI/UX Design, UX Research, Interaction Design
Timeline: 10 weeks, 2022
Tools Used: Adobe XD, Miro, PhotoShop, Illustrator, AfterEffects
The high demand for mental health services has significantly boosted the online therapy market. Currently, there are 12 major brands serving over 25 million users combined, with typical waiting times ranging from 1 to 7 days.
"I still have to wait for days when I am on the brink of breakdown."
"What about starting a session in 5 minutes like pairing an Uber driver"
Nowadays, online therapy services still require a lengthy process and waiting period before meeting with a therapist, making them only marginally faster than traditional in-person therapy sessions. This undermines the original purpose of online therapy—providing a faster and more convenient alternative.
It is difficult because mental health is a serious field where therapists need thorough preparation, and matching patients with the right therapist takes time.
Design a mobile app that streamlines fast therapy matching, similar to calling an Uber.

This app should eliminate redundant processes, like unnecessary questionnaires, and repetitive personal information input, and have a better navigation system to help patients to find the right therapist.

This system would include a more intuitive search filter, a quiz that could easily help patients acknowledge their needs, and a survey for therapists to filter patients they can treat.


By comparing the major 6 online therapy brands, I concluded their pros and cons, and common complaints, in order to conduct accurate improvements.
01/ Why Mobile App?

Mobile phones are among the most widely accessible digital devices, making them an ideal platform for reaching the broadest possible audience. Additionally, mobile apps are inherently concise, providing an efficient user experience.

02/ Existing Products?

In designing InnerCare's new pairing system, I analyzed existing platforms to address their common drawbacks. Our goal is to achieve instant pairing and offer a seamless rescheduling process.

03/ More Than Just Fast Pairing and Rescheduling

Beyond speeding up these processes, we aim to enhance the overall therapy experience. By incorporating engaging visuals and simplifying surveys and questionnaires, I make the therapy experience more enjoyable and less tedious.

At this stage, I am particularly interested in what our target user group looks like, especially what's different from our users to other competitors' users. After talking to 21 randomly selected participants at the Newhouse Department of Syracuse University, I found that the users are divided into two groups:
Primary Users
Individuals seeking accessible, affordable, and flexible mental health support
Secondary Users
Individuals with urgent cases need immediate professional assistance during a mental health crisis.
Among the 8 potential users identified during the initial interview process, I conducted a survey to determine if they experienced issues with prolonged waiting times, extensive questionnaires, and difficult navigation on existing platforms (two of the participants had used online therapy apps). At the end of the survey, I asked them to identify the most important aspect of using an online therapy tool.


- Simplify the pre-matching questionnaire for patients and use pre-record therapists' information.
- A pairing system that allows users to freely choose their ideal therapists.
- Integrate an in-app communication system for efficient and confidential interactions.
- Provide feedback options for ongoing therapy, allowing adjustments to schedules and therapists as needed.


Based on the user flow and journey, I visualized the layout into a low-fidelity paper prototype for further testing and refinement.

One-step Matching Mechanics Inspairied by Uber App

Inspired by the Uber app, I envisioned a matching interface that's just as convenient. So, I adopted a streamlined, single-form approach for searching and matching. The process is as simple as choosing a time, language, and medium.

Finding the ideal therapist should be as simple as finding a contact in address book.

I used the address book interface as a reference, allowing users to instantly see a list of available therapists, from which they can click to view more information or make a direct selection.

UI Design

Final Design

After a few rounds of testing on the paper prototype and fixing the detected problems, we developed it into our final high-fidelity prototype using Adobe XD

| Welcome

Besides the content and structure, I added colorful, light-hearted illustrations and dynamic motions to bring our users a better experience while searching for professional support can be ponderous.

| Homepage

While many online therapy platforms allow users to start pairing on the homepage, they often lack an immediate search function with filters.

| Matching with Therapists

Inspired by the Uber app, we've tested making therapy matching as straightforward as finding an Uber driver.

Comparison models

Uber Driver


Information 1

Driver's location

Specialties of the therapists

Information 2

Passenger's address

Patients' needs

#1. Primary Filters: Addressing Patients' Needs

By simply inputting 4 key pieces of information—When, Language, Preferred Medium, and Session Type—the system generates a general pool of potential therapists.

This approach significantly reduces the time users spend compared to traditional questionnaires.

#2. Secondary Filters:
Addressing Therapists Types

In this round, users can choose to filter further by ratings,  gender, prices, and availabilities.

#3. Tertiary Filters:
Addressing Therapists' Specialties

By adding reviews, specialties, and introductions to each therapist's profile, users can get a clear picture of the therapist, helping them make an informed decision.

This approach aims to enhance user satisfaction by allowing patients to find the therapist that’s the best fit for them.

| Session Start!
| Schedule The Next Session

Flexibility on rescheduling and change of Therapist

Upcoming tasks will be updated on the homepage, including all the information users need for their next session.
Rescheduling options will also be available if needed.

Concept Testing

A/B Test and Interview

I separate 17 students and faculties at Syracuse University into three groups, and deliver them BetterHelp, TalkSpace, or InnerCare prototypes, respectively.

I conducted post-study interviews with them, to gather feedback about the strengths and limitations of the product, and to make certain adjustments.

We were surprised to find that InnerCare costs significantly less time, achieved a more positive satisfaction rate, and met the overall expectations.  

Post Interview

83% of users mentioned that they appreciate the Illustrations and light-hearted colors throughout InnerCare App.

67% of users thnks the interface is very intuitive to use. They were not confused throughout the process.

Asumption of Abuntdant Therapist Resource

Instant matching can only work if there's a vast pool of therapists available, including access to therapists worldwide. However, creating an organization and social environment that can achieve this isn't guaranteed.